Number of
companies founded
Number of
companies backed
What matters most to us is not only the work that we do but also (and most importantly) the people that we do it with; no matter how great a business, an idea, or an investment opportunity. We consider our relationships and our network to be our most prized asset.
We help where we can and get out of the way where we can't. We don't crave control. In fact, we work most productively when our goals and incentives align with those of our partners.
We invest with a long term focus and don’t get bogged down by short-term fluctuations. We like to keep our eyes firmly fixed on the big picture, confident that our patient and disciplined investment approach will deliver long term success. This combination of patience, flexibility, and a long term perspective is the foundation of our investment philosophy.
We help grow businesses, sometimes as founders. Here are some companies that our team has founded or co-founded.
We help grow businesses, at other times as investors. Here are some companies that our team has backed.
We leverage our network and experience in financial services and technology to help fintech founders turn ideas into reality. We are committed to providing founders with the resources and guidance they need to navigate the complexities of starting and growing a successful fintech business. Whether it’s helping to secure funding, developing strategic partnerships, or facilitating industry connections.
Every organism is a consumer of something. As consumers, we like to stay up to speed with the latest trends in consumer and consumer tech. We do this by investing in and lending support to brands that seek to improve the lived experience.
While we don’t have a crystal ball, we strongly believe the best way to understand the future is to back groundbreaking founders and their teams. We’re able to see a bigger part of the picture by investing in world-changing space technologies, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence.
We also love connecting with founders who work in sectors that fall outside our core areas of focus. Our flexibility allows us to make opportunistic investments in these other areas.